Where to Go from here

1. In order to use ProModel effectively, you must understand the basics of the Microsoft Windows operating environment. If you are unfamiliar with Windows you should begin by reviewing the help information. To do this, select Help from the Start menu. If you are an accomplished Windows user, you can proceed to the next step.

2. To begin using ProModel you must install the software. This is described in Chapter 2: Installation and Registration.

3. You will want to become familiar with the basic theory of model building, and review the model building scenario, which is covered in chapter 3: Planning the Model. If you are already familiar with modeling theory, or just want to jump into model building, skip to the next step.

4. ProModel incorporates an easy-to-use as well as intuitive user interface. Chapter 4: Modeling Environment will introduce you to the menus and options you will use to build your model.

5. Build your model. Chapters 5 and 6: Building the Model will propel you into model building by describing the Build menu, which gives you access to most of the tools needed to build your model.

6. Refer to Chapter 7: Building the Logic during the model building process to learn the logical elements that will control your model during simulation.

7. Run your model. See your model come to life as its animation runs. Chapter 9: Running the Model outlines the process of running a model.

8. View, analyze, and display the data your model collected during simulation. With this information in hand you are ready to make real-world decisions to achieve your modeling goals. Chapter 10: Reports and Graphs describes the Output Viewer, which presents you with your simulation’s data.